Welcome To Year 6

Welcome To Year 6


Class Teachers: Mr Cook, Miss De Bechi & Mrs Bell

Support Staff: Mr Wall, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Simpson & Mrs Ellam (CSW)

Welcome to Year 6

The final year at Warstones!

We work hard but also play hard, with daily sessions of Writing, Maths, Reading and Topic keeping us on our toes.

In reading, we study a variety of different texts: biographies, narrative, poetry and even some song lyrics for good measure. Our writing lessons are a combination of grammar and textual features and we write a range of different text types (including the very scary unit on suspense narrative). Our maths lessons tackle a multitude of disciplines starting with an arithmetic blast to get our brains into gear and then jumping in with both feet to a challenging curriculum.

In the afternoon, we maintain a broad curriculum and study Science, Geography, History, RE, Art, DT, PSHE, PE, French and music (I don’t know where we squeeze it all in!)

We believe in trying our best, being proud of what we achieve and learning from our mistakes.

We also think that being honest about our behaviour, our feelings and our difficulties is the best way to go about our daily lives.

Our indoor PE day is Monday and we do outdoor games on a Friday afternoon (Autumn 2/Spring2/Summer2).

Click on the images below to see what we will be learning throughout our time in Year 6



What have Year 6 been up to?

Click here to access our Year 6 Twitter feed

Blood Heart

A Child’s War

Hola Mexico!

Darwin’s Delights

Tomorrow’s World

Year 6 School Times

Gates open

Registration Closes

End of Day




Total: 6 hours, 30 mins