Creating a family agreement 

Click the links below for advice and a handy template.

Family Agreement Advice

Family Agreement Template

Twitter for every Year Group

As a school, we are always looking for new ways to keep everyone updated with the many wonderful things that our children experience each and every day at school. Each Year Group has their very own Twitter page which you can follow to help you stay up to date with everything going on both in and out of the classroom. But do not worry if you do not have Twitter as everything that is posted will stream direct to your child's year group page on the 'Classes' section of the school website. This will show the four most recent posts so be sure to check it on a daily basis!

We do however, require you to complete the below Twitter Permission Form to consent to your child's photograph being posted.

Twitter Permission Form

Keeping Children Safe Online

At school, we are fortunate to have a strict filter system on our internet feed that prevents children and staff accessing any content that is not suitable for children. Even with this, we are vigilant when children are using the internet to ensure it is being used safely and responsibly. We are aware though, that some of our older children do have access to the internet at home and it may not be as easy to monitor this.

It is of paramount importance that children are aware and understand that once messages and pictures have been put on the internet, they can not be taken back. Even if you try to delete them, once they have been downloaded by anyone else they will be available to them to use as they wish. Nor can you be sure who your child is interacting with. Your child should not be using any of the following sites and if they are, then it is likely they have not been truthful about their age when registering.

  • Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat - all users should be 13+ years old

  • Whatsapp - 16+ years old

  • Kik, Tango - 17+ years old

  • Even to register with Youtube you need to be 13+ years old

Top Tips for Parents

PLEASE check any phones and tablets your child is using to ensure they are only using software that is age applicable for their own safety

More and more children are now Gaming. If not managed correctly, children using modern computer games consoles can be exposed to inappropriate content and have contact with numerous strangers online. Please read our 'Dangers of Online Gaming' leaflet and use the PDFs below, to set up parental controls on your consoles at home.

Children are now using platforms such as YouTube to watch, participate in or even host live streaming. Please read the information below and help educate your child.

Online Safety

Online Safety Never Stops!

With children having almost 24/7 access to technology it has become more important than ever to ensure that we, as teachers and parents, are aware of what our children are doing online. It is very easy to blame technology and some of the recent apps and software when things go wrong and problems arise. However, the majority of issues can be avoided with a sensible approach to using and monitoring use on online. We at Warstones Primary School appreciate the importance of being tech savvy in this digital world that we currently live in and therefore, we continue to work hard with the staff and children to ensure they know how to use this technology in a safe and responsible manner. Quite often it is about applying the same common sense that you would apply in every day life in the 'Real World'. Should you have any concerns or questions about technology or the delivery of the Computing Curriculum in school - do not hesitate to ask!                                                                                                                                             

Mr McNaught (Computing Lead)


You can get involved!

As a school, we often call upon the expertise of Patrick Flynn from 'The Centre for Online Safety and Behaviour'. It is always so lovely to see many of our families speaking with him during our Parents Evening events and Online Safety Workshops about the life skills required to help keep children safe online.

In November 2023, we had parents from Years 1-6 working with Patrick Flynn from Online Behaviours. Our main aim was to raise the awareness and importance of Online Safety in an attempt to continue to keep our children safe in the digital world. We had four of our digital leaders helping to ensure that the event ran smoothly and we have two further events lined up for later in the year. If we could tag Online Behaviours Ltd and Kahoot into the posts online then I am sure this will help promote the school further!

If you missed the opportunity to join us at the staff meeting then do not panic - the key point to take from the meeting was to talk to your child. Have open conversations about what they access online and let them know that they are able to come to you to talk to you about anything!

Keeping Children Safe- Social Media

As educators, it is our duty to ensure the well-being and safety of our children, both in and out of the classroom. With the increasing prevalence of social media platforms, it is crucial that we address the potential risks and consequences associated with early exposure to these platforms.

As you may be aware, many popular social media platforms have a minimum age requirement for registration. The age restrictions are in place to protect young individuals from potential harm and to provide a safer online environment. It is vital that we collaborate as parents and educators to help our children understand and respect these age restrictions.

Click the link below for further information, including handy tips for parents/carers.