General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law came into effect on 25 May 2018. The aim of this law is to ensure all personal data is protected and organisations who work with such data are held accountable for its protection.

How We Use Your Information

GDPR encourages organisations that are responsible for using people's information to make sure it is clear why we need your information and how it is used.

To help explain how your information is used, we have published a Privacy Notice, which you can read below. Warstones Primary is committed to the highest standards of information, security, privacy and transparency.

Data Protection Officer

We have a Service Level Agreement with Wolverhampton City Council as our Data Protection Officer. 

If you have a question about how your personal data is used in school, or would like to make a formal request, you can contact the school group e-mail at and mark it for the attention of the Data Protection Team and we will pass this on in confidence.