Welcome To Year 2

Welcome To Year 2


Class Teachers: Mrs Walker, Mrs Bayliss, Miss Kaur & Mrs Marsden

Support Staff: Miss Hammond & Miss Sheldon


Each day we teach guided reading / phonics, literacy and maths.

In guided reading, we enjoy reading a variety of texts across a range of genres. We develop reading strategies such as prediction and inference skills and encourage the children to discuss what they have read. We urge the children to talk about text structure and to identify different types of text such as fiction and non-fiction.

In literacy sessions, we use a range of exciting texts to inspire the children. This could be writing about dragons during our topic, ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’ or writing a diary as Grace Darling during our topic of ‘Land Ahoy!’ We ask the children to consider the purpose of their writing and to use a wide vocabulary with basic punctuation. We model pre-cursive writing for the children and encourage them to use this when working independently.

For those children who still require support with phonics, we offer daily RWInc based sessions.

In maths, we focus on key areas of number fluency, number bonds, place value, addition and subtraction, shape, space and measures and problem solving and reasoning. We introduce multiplication and division through practical resources and pictorial representation.

Our topics are varied and exciting and include ‘Street Detectives’, ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’ and ‘Scented Garden’. We cover Science, History, Geography, Music, Computing, RE, Design and Technology, PSHE, French and Games.

Our Games sessions are held on Fridays (Aut 2, Spr 2, Sum 2) and our PE days are on Wednesdays (2MS) and Tuesday (2BW).

Click on the images below to see what we will be learning throughout our time in Year 2


What have Year 2 been up to?

Click here to access our Year 2 Twitter feed

Street Detectives

Muck, Mess and Mixtures

Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

Land Ahoy!

Wriggle and Crawl

Pond Dippers

Year 2 School Times

Gates Open

Registration Closes


End of Day



Total: 6 hours, 25 mins